Across Australia
Woodend Victoria
A modern home in a picturesquare rural setting with many sheds and a lot of bushfire entry points that need to be protected.
The owners wanted it to withstand BAL 40 (kW/m2). The building has been constructed of steel sheets and Bushfire Mesh Shield FLEXI was installed to protect the space around the footings.
The shedding had large gaps between the ceiling and the roof where embers can be easily blown in and ignite hay in the tack room. The family was looking for a product that could resist high temperatures while being easy to work with to close in the gaps and keep possums & birds out.
Used Products
Bushifire Mesh FLEXI
Bushifire Mesh TOUGH
- Subfloor
- Vents
- Roofs, gaps in shed
- Perimeter Fencing
The family selected TOUGH as it has excellent protection
from embers and also keeps animals out from under the deck. It was
easy to install and was able to be dug into the ground and will not corrode. The
TOUGH blends in well with the environment and is easy to maintain.
For the sheds, the product had to be easy to install and be able to be fixed into timber trusses (staples or screws) and corrugated iron sheets (rivets). Bushfire Mesh TOUGH was selected and the narrow rolls (180mm) were used to close in the gaps and used a combination of wood screws and rivets. The family was able to complete the 80’ by 25’ shed in an afternoon.
Bushfire Mesh TOUGH was selected as the possums are a problem in the area. The Stables and Workshop have lost none of their ventilation but now have protection against Bushfires.
About Woodend
Woodend is a small town in the shire of the Macedon Ranges. The surrounding forested areas and dry climate make it particularly vulnerable to bushfire, most significantly the Ash Wednesday bushfires in 1983 caused significant damage to the town, destroying many homes and businesses. In response, the local community has worked to develop a comprehensive bushfire management plan, with many installing Bushfire Mesh Shield as a perimeter fence to protect them from ember attack, direct flame and radiant heat.